Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Haldane - Arthur Group Connection

For those that don't know, Bernhard Haldane was an executive recruiting company that got into a little bit of trouble with Attorneys General from at least two states(MN, IL) for their business practices.

Here is a link that has some posts. Please note that the Office Administrator for Haldane is now the head of the Arthur Group.


Anonymous said...

Thank heavens I'm not alone. After two meetings with TAG I called my friends in disbelief as I read their massage parlor price list that was designed to get me a job.
Here's the scam: I answered an add on (now I suspect the job never really existed). A talent acquistion guy called me with the good news I had "the right stuff" and would I come down to talk - note "talk." I paid $11 to park and went in their to see Ben. Instead of a "talk" he sprung a surprise interview on me then had the gull to critique and rate me. I came to talk not for an interview - trick one. Ben said I was level 3-4 worth 6 figures and my resume and interview skills was selling me at a level 1-2. Don't worry he said Barry the president will discuss a "stragedy." I paid another $11 to park for the next meeting with Barry. I got the good news that for a mere $3-$5,000 he'd have me "featured" front and center - miles above the competition. How could I go wrong?
Questions to remember:
*I was never told who the 50-100 clents were they would pitch me to
*I was never told how many people worked at TAG and who would be pitching me
*I was never told that the resume and interview coaches were 3rd party subcontractors. Barry called them "the old guys" he retained from days before.
*I could not use any other resume helper or interviewer coach it had to be them or nothing
*I was never told what their placemnet record was only shown the 18,000 poor souls lurking in their database without representation
Tip: Do your homework ask around ask for references. Don't fall for the millionaire how the Blueprint got made story. The biggest tip off that something smelled was when Barry tried really hard to close me in one hour like a used car saleman might try.
Applicant beware.Don't be so despearate to believe. If it's that good it's probably not true.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your post. I meet with the Arthur Group in Minneapolis. Something didn't seem right. First they tell you congratulations, you've made the "cut" to be in their database. Then they tell you the service is free - the employers pay their bills. Then they critique your resume and criticize your interviewing skills and tell you that you need them to find a job. But you have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars in order for them to "help" you. When I asked for information in writing, they had none. Big red flags. When I asked about specific job opportunities they posted, the Arthur team member said he had no information. I'm thinking, why are we here? I came home to check out their reputation through an internet search and my suspicions were validated.

Don't waste your valuable time with this group. It is clearly a scam.

Anonymous said...

The Arthur Group just posted, on Career Builder, a position for "Vice President for Procurement" They list the salary as $80,000-$300,000 (Hello...what kind of range is that?). They list the location as "Minneapolis, MN". This job does not exist folks.

Please go to career builder and pull up this job. Anyway, it will benefit us all if you click on this job and then click on "REPORT IT" and then you can choose to report it to Career Builder as "Possible Scam", "Fee or Investment Required" or you can choose "other" and then elaborate

We have to stop these clowns.

Anonymous said...

I too have become a victim and am pusuing action against the Arthur Group in Minneapolis. Do not fall for their scam!

Traveling Berubes said...

I'm the idiot; I fell for their pitch. Same schtick that everyone else experienced. When I kept pestering my "counselor" for contacts, he wrote some names down on a sheet of paper. Nothing professional, just jotted a few names. They didn't have a portfolio of companies looking for their clients. The names he gave me were just acquaintances and friends of Gary G, my "counselor". I got more substantive contacts than that showing up at a coffee shop. It was one of the most discouraging experiences I've ever had. Most of my anger is directed at myself because I knew I was brighter than these guys, I knew I was being sold. I am going to follow up with Lori Swanson and see if anything has ever been resolved.