Friday, July 13, 2007

You Are Not Alone

Hindsight is 20/20. It's easy to look back on your experience with the Arthur Group or Bernard Haldane and think "how could I have been so stupid?" Don't feel too bad about it. You are not alone. The salesmen are very good. The Arthur Group keeps plush offices in Minneapolis and Chicago and 100% of it is paid for by your initial fees.

Follow the link to a few more testimonials from people who were scammed by Bernard Haldane. "But I worked with the Arthur Group, not Bernard Haldane!" They are the same company, run by the same people.


Anonymous said...

These guys are big time scammers.

Putting them in jail for a few years wouldn't be they would just come back to scam more people.

This is like a bad horror flick where the villain just keeps getting back up.

Anonymous said...

Let's here your story!

Anonymous said...

Wow, am I glad I did some research. I received a call today from the Arthur Group and was told Barry Trimble wanted to speak with me about working for them. I was already stung by Bernard Haldane back in 2001. I certainly don't want to make my living stinging others. I just called to cancel my appointment. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Good move.

Anonymous said...

Hello Arthur Group complainers…just a
heads up to savvy job hunters, I too just got
an “encouraging call” that my resume “some
how, got sent directly to the CEO…” he was
so impressed that he wants to talk to me directly…
about an internal officer position…” hot dog, I
am soooo excited!

I will fill you all in on my discussion if Barry calls
me Monday 10/29/2007 for an “officer” level position.

The “job description” attached to my e-mail was simply
An advertisement, and had no resemblance of any “job
description” doc. I have ever seen.

Be smart, be honest, good luck.

Anonymous said...

Any what happened to the CEO? I'd bet you fell for the scam..

Anonymous said...

Okay, well now I am very concerned. I was so pumped up today because I have this great email from my contact there and during our first meeting I felt a real connection and he really did give me some good advice. After looking on their website at other candidates, it's obvious that my resume really does suck with regards to the position that I am looking for. I have a meeting with Barry in 3 hours...The good news is that my husband is attending and he is a HUGE skeptic. He won't spend a dime if he smells a rat and once he sees the posts that I printed this morning he is gonna smell something. I knew things didn't feel right when the first email I received from the "VP of Talent Acquisition" said he wanted me to know that he doesn't offer this meeting to just any candidate, "only those he feels have great potential", yeah right, actually I thought I was a bit of a babbling idiot on the phone that day now that I look back, I was very distracted. Plus, during my interview, I screwed up on a lot of stuff. Regardless, they feel that I am a candidate with whom Barry would like to develop a strategic relationship with...hmmmm. I can't wait for this meeting today. Actually I am thrilled that my husband is going along - the best part? He is an attorney!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank heavens I'm not alone. After two meetings with TAG I called my friends in disbelief as I read their massage parlor price list that was designed to get me a job.
Here's the scam: I answered an add on (now I suspect the job never really existed). A talent acquistion guy called me with the good news I had "the right stuff" and would I come down to talk - note "talk." I paid $11 to park and went in their to see Ben. Instead of a "talk" he sprung a surprise interview on me then had the gull to critique and rate me. I came to talk not for an interview - trick one. Ben said I was level 3-4 worth 6 figures and my resume and interview skills was selling me at a level 1-2. Don't worry he said Barry the president will discuss a "stragedy." I paid another $11 to park for the next meeting with Barry. I got the good news that for a mere $3-$5,000 he'd have me "featured" front and center - miles above the competition. How could I go wrong?
Questions to remember:
*I was never told who the 50-100 clents were they would pitch me to
*I was never told how many people worked at TAG and who would be pitching me
*I was never told that the resume and interview coaches were 3rd party subcontractors. Barry called them "the old guys" he retained from days before.
*I could not use any other resume helper or interviewer coach it had to be them or nothing
*I was never told what their placemnet record was only shown the 18,000 poor souls lurking in their database without representation
Tip: Do your homework ask around ask for references. Don't fall for the millionaire how the Blueprint got made story. The biggest tip off that something smelled was when Barry tried really hard to close me in one hour like a used car saleman might try.
Applicant beware.Don't be so despearate to believe. If it's that good it's probably not true.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your blog. I was sensing the pitch seemed wrong based on other ethical recruiting firms I was exposed to.

By the way, my experience was just this month (January 2009) so the modus operandi continues.

Fairplay said...

I am very thankful I did a bit of on-line research. I applied for a position on career builders and was contacted by TAG. Just returned home from an interview with a TAG VP. I was told thatI was an exceptional candidate, but that my resume needed some work--it wasn't market savvy. For $700-$1400 they could fix me right up. Then the VP conducted a mock interview. Afterwords I was told that I would need some coaching classes at $400-$500 per hour. Total cost would be $3500. The process was smooth--they set the hook with the lure of great possibilities,told me what a fantastic candidate I would make, then--at the very end-- brought up the required funds needed from me to make it all come true. I found myself almost--but not quite--falling for it. The thing is, I've conducted dozens of interviews over the past several years, and the TAG VP's interview skills were not even what I would have considered good, let alone great. Additionally, I graduated from college summa cum laude, with a 4.0 GPA and I am quite certain my resume writing skills are superior to the hack they probably employ for $40k per year. I decided to cut and run--after reading these posts, I'm confident I made the right decision.. .Side note--they had KTIS (Christian radio) playing in the reception area--talk about heresy!!

Anonymous said...

Barry, Barry, Barry you shameful man. A sex offender of children with a family member, you are a piece of work. How did you explain this to your ill father? When the news came out on the WSJ that your not really a big executive like daddy thought, but a little lying crook, this must not have made your ill father very proud.Then the sex offenses to top the whole thing off, well, isn't that just the topper. Is that where you are? In California lying to him that this is all a misunderstanding? Little Barry getting his fat ass off on children and playing big time executive? How are you going to return to that big house in the suburbs? Your neighbors all are fully aware your a scam artist and a sexual predator that prefers children. It was incest Barry. You are a nut case. Bet your wife is so very proud of her big time business man. Still lying to her? Is she buying your hot glistening pile of crap you been ramming down her throat all this time. Must make you feel kinda embarrassed. You were gonna be the only game in town. Remember? All thouse connections that never existed. Never did your homework. No one at any large company in the Twin Cities ever heard of you until now. Your not a real executive. Your a lying, child molestor. But your not done lying, you can't stop Barry. You like the scriptures Barry Boy. 7 deadly sins you committed are now haunting you. Pride, well you still believe you did nothing wrong and tried to play big time executive but without and education and your reputation your gonna need a name change with new social security numbers. Envy, you wanted to play in the big time growing up like you did but playing executive and being one are two different things. Lust for children.You should have kept to the solo online porn playing with yourself after all others went to sleep rather then the kids Barry. Did someone lay you down as a child Barry? Gluttony is obvious your a fat pig. Greed is simply to easy. You wanted the money but failed to do the real work. Sloth, lazy and decietful as anyone could be. Anger, you caused a lot Barry, more then most. Your angry also Barry. Your angry you have been caught. Well say hi to your Daddy if he is still talking to you. Did he believe your lies? Does he still or has he disowned you? By the way I have a friend out of work you seem to have some free time. Could you post your number he would like you to work on your Blueprint with him. You better come up with some magical Blueprint stories of your own fat boy. Lock up the kids Barrys home is your neighbors new motto. Must be nice to be you.

Anonymous said...

nice read. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone hear that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Actually, he never had to pay a penny to anyone. Michael Myser lied about his relationship with Arthur Group so that he could get in the paper as a hero and then run for mayor of Prior Lake. Then to top it off when the Attorney General called him as a witness, he refused to testify. Did you also know that he sued CareerBuilder and was paid thousands of dollars? He did it as a class action, but I wonder if any of you saw any money. The fact that none of this was true means that he has probably broken a few laws in doing this. The employees Ed Guk, Sean Durose, and Pat Powers were disgruntled employees who failed in their jobs and blamed Trimble for it. I was in the courtroom when the judge said that Trimble was an honest and hardworking entrepreneur and that the Attorney General called her press conference to "Invite" complaints. He put this in his order. Read it for yourself. For once, say something that you actually have the facts about. It always surprises me when people can celebrate that a man lost his home, even put smiley faces on their comments and in fact this man did absolutely nothing wrong and lost his home because of you and people like you. That is why the judge sided with him. You think you did something honorable? The judge, who actually saw all of the Attorney General’s evidence wrote, in his order, that there was absolutely no fraud, no deception, no dishonesty of any kind and that the Attorney General's best witnesses actually endorsed the services they purchased while on the witness stand. He also wrote in his order that anyone believing that another person could guarantee them a job, was defying logic (also in the order).
This is what happens when people like you rally against someone without malice or any evidence of any kind. Shame on you for doing this to another person. Whether you like this man or hate him, what you did is reprehensible. Also, Trimble can own a business if he wants either recruiting or outplacement or any other kind of business. The Judge complimented this man. That is in the order too. But obviously you didn’t read it.
Now, if any further comment is made on this blog, that states otherwise is libel. To the owner of this blog, you might think about getting a lawyer. Every day that this blog is live, you are committing libel. To the writers in the blog, you may list yourselves as anonymous but in fact your signature is your IP address, which you cannot hide.
Law - defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
the act or crime of publishing it.
a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.

Anonymous said...

Actually, he never had to pay a penny to anyone. Michael Myser lied about his relationship with Arthur Group so that he could get in the paper as a hero and then run for mayor of Prior Lake. Then to top it off when the Attorney General called him as a witness, he refused to testify. Did you also know that he sued CareerBuilder and was paid thousands of dollars? He did it as a class action, but I wonder if any of you saw any money. The fact that none of this was true means that he has probably broken a few laws in doing this. The employees Ed Guk, Sean Durose, and Pat Powers were disgruntled employees who failed in their jobs and blamed Trimble for it. I was in the courtroom when the judge said that Trimble was an honest and hardworking entrepreneur and that the Attorney General called her press conference to "Invite" complaints. He put this in his order. Read it for yourself. For once, say something that you actually have the facts about. It always surprises me when people can celebrate that a man lost his home, even put smiley faces on their comments and in fact this man did absolutely nothing wrong and lost his home because of you and people like you. That is why the judge sided with him. You think you did something honorable? The judge, who actually saw all of the Attorney General’s evidence wrote, in his order, that there was absolutely no fraud, no deception, no dishonesty of any kind and that the Attorney General's best witnesses actually endorsed the services they purchased while on the witness stand. He also wrote in his order that anyone believing that another person could guarantee them a job, was defying logic (also in the order).
This is what happens when people like you rally against someone without malice or any evidence of any kind. Shame on you for doing this to another person. Whether you like this man or hate him, what you did is reprehensible. Also, Trimble can own a business if he wants either recruiting or outplacement or any other kind of business. The Judge complimented this man. That is in the order too. But obviously you didn’t read it.
Now, if any further comment is made on this blog, that states otherwise is libel. To the owner of this blog, you might think about getting a lawyer. Every day that this blog is live, you are committing libel. To the writers in the blog, you may list yourselves as anonymous but in fact your signature is your IP address, which you cannot hide.
Law - defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
the act or crime of publishing it.
a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.

Anonymous said...

Actually, he never had to pay a penny to anyone. Michael Myser lied about his relationship with Arthur Group so that he could get in the paper as a hero and then run for mayor of Prior Lake. Then to top it off when the Attorney General called him as a witness, he refused to testify. Did you also know that he sued CareerBuilder and was paid thousands of dollars? He did it as a class action, but I wonder if any of you saw any money. The fact that none of this was true means that he has probably broken a few laws in doing this. The employees Ed Guk, Sean Durose, and Pat Powers were disgruntled employees who failed in their jobs and blamed Trimble for it. I was in the courtroom when the judge said that Trimble was an honest and hardworking entrepreneur and that the Attorney General called her press conference to "Invite" complaints. He put this in his order. Read it for yourself. For once, say something that you actually have the facts about. It always surprises me when people can celebrate that a man lost his home, even put smiley faces on their comments and in fact this man did absolutely nothing wrong and lost his home because of you and people like you. That is why the judge sided with him. You think you did something honorable? The judge, who actually saw all of the Attorney General’s evidence wrote, in his order, that there was absolutely no fraud, no deception, no dishonesty of any kind and that the Attorney General's best witnesses actually endorsed the services they purchased while on the witness stand. He also wrote in his order that anyone believing that another person could guarantee them a job, was defying logic (also in the order).
This is what happens when people like you rally against someone without malice or any evidence of any kind. Shame on you for doing this to another person. Whether you like this man or hate him, what you did is reprehensible. Also, Trimble can own a business if he wants either recruiting or outplacement or any other kind of business. The Judge complimented this man. That is in the order too. But obviously you didn’t read it.
Now, if any further comment is made on this blog, that states otherwise is libel. To the owner of this blog, you might think about getting a lawyer. Every day that this blog is live, you are committing libel. To the writers in the blog, you may list yourselves as anonymous but in fact your signature is your IP address, which you cannot hide.
Law - defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
the act or crime of publishing it.
a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.

Anonymous said...

Actually, he never had to pay a penny to anyone. Michael Myser lied about his relationship with Arthur Group so that he could get in the paper as a hero and then run for mayor of Prior Lake. Then to top it off when the Attorney General called him as a witness, he refused to testify. Did you also know that he sued CareerBuilder and was paid thousands of dollars? He did it as a class action, but I wonder if any of you saw any money. The fact that none of this was true means that he has probably broken a few laws in doing this. The employees Ed Guk, Sean Durose, and Pat Powers were disgruntled employees who failed in their jobs and blamed Trimble for it. I was in the courtroom when the judge said that Trimble was an honest and hardworking entrepreneur and that the Attorney General called her press conference to "Invite" complaints. He put this in his order. Read it for yourself. For once, say something that you actually have the facts about. It always surprises me when people can celebrate that a man lost his home, even put smiley faces on their comments and in fact this man did absolutely nothing wrong and lost his home because of you and people like you. That is why the judge sided with him. You think you did something honorable? The judge, who actually saw all of the Attorney General’s evidence wrote, in his order, that there was absolutely no fraud, no deception, no dishonesty of any kind and that the Attorney General's best witnesses actually endorsed the services they purchased while on the witness stand. He also wrote in his order that anyone believing that another person could guarantee them a job, was defying logic (also in the order).
This is what happens when people like you rally against someone without malice or any evidence of any kind. Shame on you for doing this to another person. Whether you like this man or hate him, what you did is reprehensible. Also, Trimble can own a business if he wants either recruiting or outplacement or any other kind of business. The Judge complimented this man. That is in the order too. But obviously you didn’t read it.
Now, if any further comment is made on this blog, that states otherwise is libel. To the owner of this blog, you might think about getting a lawyer. Every day that this blog is live, you are committing libel. To the writers in the blog, you may list yourselves as anonymous but in fact your signature is your IP address, which you cannot hide.
Law - defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
the act or crime of publishing it.
a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.

Anonymous said...

Actually, he never had to pay a penny to anyone. Michael Myser lied about his relationship with Arthur Group so that he could get in the paper as a hero and then run for mayor of Prior Lake. Then to top it off when the Attorney General called him as a witness, he refused to testify. Did you also know that he sued CareerBuilder and was paid thousands of dollars? He did it as a class action, but I wonder if any of you saw any money. The fact that none of this was true means that he has probably broken a few laws in doing this. The employees Ed Guk, Sean Durose, and Pat Powers were disgruntled employees who failed in their jobs and blamed Trimble for it. I was in the courtroom when the judge said that Trimble was an honest and hardworking entrepreneur and that the Attorney General called her press conference to "Invite" complaints. He put this in his order. Read it for yourself. For once, say something that you actually have the facts about. It always surprises me when people can celebrate that a man lost his home, even put smiley faces on their comments and in fact this man did absolutely nothing wrong and lost his home because of you and people like you. That is why the judge sided with him. You think you did something honorable? The judge, who actually saw all of the Attorney General’s evidence wrote, in his order, that there was absolutely no fraud, no deception, no dishonesty of any kind and that the Attorney General's best witnesses actually endorsed the services they purchased while on the witness stand. He also wrote in his order that anyone believing that another person could guarantee them a job, was defying logic (also in the order).
This is what happens when people like you rally against someone without malice or any evidence of any kind. Shame on you for doing this to another person. Whether you like this man or hate him, what you did is reprehensible. Also, Trimble can own a business if he wants either recruiting or outplacement or any other kind of business. The Judge complimented this man. That is in the order too. But obviously you didn’t read it.
Now, if any further comment is made on this blog, that states otherwise is libel. To the owner of this blog, you might think about getting a lawyer. Every day that this blog is live, you are committing libel. To the writers in the blog, you may list yourselves as anonymous but in fact your signature is your IP address, which you cannot hide.
Law - defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
the act or crime of publishing it.
a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.

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